Azimi Shinozada Group of Companies
Azimi Shinozada Group of Companies is collection of many successful Businesses operating in Asia. The Group was established by well reputed Afghan Businessman Malak haji azim shinozada in 1980 in Kabul, Afghanistan. Starting from sales and distribution to extending its wings to Manufacturing, Logistics, Tourism, construction, Health and soon became one the of the leading group of companies in Afghanistan. One of the Strength Azimi Shinozada Group is having robust resources like Labor, Land, Machinery and the trust of shareholders. With Pan Afghanistan network the group is covering almost all provinces and districts of Afghanistan.
Our Mission:
To grow together with customers, shareholders, and employees, and to contribute to a successful society.
Our Vision:
To deliver customer satisfaction with, creativity, innovation, sincerity and gratitude, and to act in compliance with the law and ethics.